Infraction Traffic School

Infraction and Traffic School

Sometimes you may be asked to complete infraction traffic school to facilitate a favorable resolution of a traffic infraction. These requests may originate with the judge or prosecutor or the attorneys and are a way to negotiate a resolution.

Why Infraction Traffic School?

Depending on what has been negotiated, you may be asked to attend a specific class, may have the stipulation to attend the traffic school in person, sometimes, the requirement to complete traffic school can be completed online.

Level 1

A level 1 traffic school class is a 4 hour class will address safe driving practices.

Level 2

A level 2 traffic school class is a 8 hour class that will include safe driving practices, information regarding aggressive driving or road rage.


Upon completion of the traffic school you will receive a certificate to prove that you have met the requirements. This Certificate will be presented to the court.

There are many ways an experienced traffic attorney can fight your ticket for you.

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(425) 259 4972

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Ticket Terminology

Ticket Terminology

Ticket Terminology can be confusing. We are going to try to clear them up for you.

Traffic and Non Traffic Citations

A Traffic Ticket is related to a vehicle.

This might include Speeding, Fail to Obey Traffic Control Device, Fail to Renew Registration, Safety belt and more.

A Non Traffic Ticket that does not involve a vehicle.

This might include Jaywalking, noise violations, or other items.

Ticket Terminology Traffic Tickets? Let us talk about Moving Violation and Non Moving violation.  

Moving Violations affect your record and can cause your insurance rates to go up.

How Can You Tell If it is Non Moving or Moving?

There is a list of moving violations and non moving violations on the Washington Administrative Code, also known as the WAC.

WAC 308.104.160 has this list.

This list is not exhaustive and some non moving violations can affect your record.

Moving Violations

According to WAC 308-104-160 the term “moving violation” means any violation of vehicle laws listed in this section that is committed by the driver of a vehicle, while the vehicle is moving.

Non Moving Violations

Non-moving violation include Parking violations, equipment violations or paperwork violations relating to insurance, registration, licensing and inspection.

How do these affect your record?

There are different consequences to you and your record for each violation.

There are several factors to consider when addressing a ticket, do you:

  • Have a Commercial Drivers License?
  • Drive for work?
  • Have an Intermediate License?
  • What is the specific charge (reason for the ticket)?

A Moving Violation that is reported to the Department of License will appear on your Driving Abstract for 3 years.  It may affect your insurance rates and possibly your work.

A Non Moving Violation may be reported to the Department of License.  The consequences for a non moving violation are less than for a moving violation and may not affect your car insurance rates.  Each insurance company and policy is different.

For example: according to RCW 46.61.688 a person violating the safety belt law will be issued a traffic infraction.  If a committed finding is found for the safety belt violation it shall be reported on the driver’s abstract but shall not be available to insurance companies or employers.

There are many ways an experienced traffic attorney can fight your ticket for you.

Call us now

To ask additional questions or to hire an experienced attorney who has deep connections with the local legal system.

(425) 259 4972

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Negligent Driving 1st or 2nd Degree

Negligent Driving 1st Degree is a criminal misdemeanor charge.

According to the RCW 46.61.5249: A person is guilty of negligent driving in the first degree if he or she operates a motor vehicle in a manner that is both negligent and endangers or is likely to endanger any person or property, and exhibits the effects of having consumed liquor or marijuana or any drug or exhibits the effects of having inhaled or ingested any chemical, whether or not a legal substance, for its intoxicating or hallucinatory effects.

If convicted, a negligent driving in the 1st degree has a maximum penalty of:

  • 90 days in jail
  • $1000 penalty

A conviction of Negligent Driving 1st degree does not have a negative impact on the driver’s license and does not require a SR-22 filing.

There may be additional requirements, if there are prior convictions, including a conviction of DUI.

Ignition interlock license may be required by the Washington State Department of Licensing which include a requirement for an SR-22 filing.

Ignition interlock device may be required to be installed in your vehicle

Negligent Driving 2nd degree is a traffic infraction

It is considered a moving violation. It will have negative insurance consequences. This infraction is subject to a penalty of $550.00

According to RCW 46.61.525: A person is guilty of negligent driving in the second degree if, under circumstances not constituting negligent driving in the first degree, he or she operates a motor vehicle in a manner that is both negligent and endangers or is likely to endanger any person or property.

There are many ways an experienced traffic attorney can fight your ticket for you.

Call us now

To ask additional questions or to hire an experienced attorney who has deep connections with the local legal system.

(425) 259 4972

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The Future

The Future

The Future. 

My Dad is getting ready to retire. He is counting down the days. He has got a calendar on his wall. He is marking the days off. So he is going to retire in about a year. Well, he plans on it. I always tease him and say, no you are not going to know what to do when you retire. You’ll be back, but I don’t know if he will. 

But the Future is Reece and I. 

We are going to be doing this. He will be doing mostly Criminal Law, just kind of how it is now, and I will be doing Personal Injury.

When I was little, we would go out somewhere, even the store and someone would recognize him or say Hi to him.  And he knows everybody in the community because he’s been here for so long and helped so many people.  

So it is kind of humbling, I guess you might say, to be out and say “I gotta live up to this guy, this guy’s persona, and this guy’s character.” 

Everybody knows him, but you know it definitely helps us out and it is nice to be able to learn from him.

If I have a question

He knows all about what I am doing every day. He has been doing it for 30 years, so. The other day I had a question, and I was stumped. Well I don’t know what to do in this situation, and so I just went upstairs, into his office, poked my head in and said this is the situation. What am I supposed to do here? What are my options? What would you do in this situation? What should I do?  And things like that. 

It is nice to be able to have that person that I can go to, that has been doing it for so long, that knows exactly what I am doing everyday, that I can go in and get help from. And he is so supportive. He has been supportive our whole lives. 

It is not really intimidating for me to go in there and ask him. You know sometimes if you are working at a big firm with a big shot attorney, you might be intimidated to walk in and ask him things. But his door is always open, he is always there. It is nice to be able to pop in and ask a question if I need to. 

He is definitely very well known and respected. Especially around the community, I mean a lot of our clients are returning clients and referrals.

Hopefully it is not really going to change much. 

My dad is going to retire. But it will be Reece and I doing the same thing and helping everybody out. And hopefully, you know, if all goes well, we don’t really see much of a difference.

There are many ways an experienced attorney can help you.

Call Us Now

Call us now to ask additional questions or to hire an experienced attorney who has deep connections with the local legal system.

(425) 259 4972

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Cell Phone and Distracted Driving

Cell Phone and Distracted Driving Laws Changed In July of 2017…

These changes to Cell Phone and Distracted Driving Laws make it illegal to hold your personal electronic device while you drive. This is true even if you are stopped at a traffic light. Hands free is allowed or you may operate the device with a single touch.

The changes will make a these violations appear on your driving record as a moving violation. A moving violation will remain on your driving record for 3 years.

These charges are visible to your insurance company and may effect your insurance rates.

You can find the complete Information for the RCW here.

We can help you

Protect your driving record when you get a cell phone or personal electronic device ticket.

There are many ways an experienced traffic attorney can fight your ticket for you.

Call us now

To ask additional questions or to hire an experienced attorney who has deep connections with the local legal system.

(425) 259 4972

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Rick Merrill Retirement Calendar

Rick Merrill’s Retirement Calendar

Rick Merrill’s Retirement Calendar is keeping track of the months until Rick will retire. Reece and Logan will still be here to help you.

“I’ve got, I got nine Fridays left. I’m going to start working four days a week. Anyway it’s (my Retirement Calendar) right up on my wall, I can see it right over there. I check off the months.

So you know, as much as I think I’m going to leave on a certain date. I’m going to go home and get my yard to scream and yell and say oh hooray! You know, I suspect that I’ll probably be hanging around for a while.

You know. Just to help out. They know they can call me anytime they want to, if they need help. I’ll come in and work. Sometimes you get in the bind,  you have to be in more than one Court at a time, you know. I told Reece, no problem I’ll come in and take care of that for you.”

Rick Merrill’s Retirement Calendar

Even though Rick is planning his retirement, we will still be here at Merrill Law to continue to help you.

There are many ways an experienced attorney can help you.

Call Us Now

Call us now to ask additional questions or to hire an experienced attorney who has deep connections with the local legal system.

(425) 259 4972

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Accident Ticket

Accident Ticket

Common citations issued due to an accident include:

Accident tickets will appear in the infractions section of your driving record. Not all accidents result in an issuance of a Accident ticket.  

  • Speed too fast for conditions
  • Improper lane change
  • Failure to yield
  • Failure to stop
  • Following too close
  • Negligent driving

These infractions are considered moving violations and can effect your record.


Accidents have many different components and can be very complex at times.

These can include injuries, vehicle damage, vehicle loss, property damage, impound, clean up fees and tickets.

We Can Help with an Accident Ticket

We will go to court to fight the accident ticket for you. Our goal is to keep the citation, the moving violation, off of the infraction section of your driving record.  

In Washington the report of an accident will appear on your driving record in the Accident Section. We are not able remove an accident report.

There are many ways an experienced traffic attorney can fight your ticket for you.

Call us now

To ask additional questions or to hire an experienced attorney who has deep connections with the local legal system.

(425) 259 4972

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Together We Are Merrill Law

Together We Are Merrill Law

“Together we are Merrill Law. I am Rick Merrill, I am an attorney in Everett, I became an attorney 30 years ago to try to help people. I am very proud to say that two of my sons have joined the law practice as attorneys.

Oh Hi, I am Reece Merrill Attorney.  

I am Logan Merrill Attorney. 

Go ahead and come by with any questions that you have about a DUI, Reckless Driving, Speeding Ticket, Auto Accidents anything like that we are here to help you.

We practice in Whatcom, Skagit, Snohomish, King, Pierce, Grant, Thurston, Island Counties.

You can find us online at

Stop in at the office or give us a call and we will be able to help you out. We are at 3625 Colby Ave in Everett, Washington. It is a converted old house that we turned into an office.

Together we are Merrill Law.”

Rick, Reece and Logan Merrill, Together we are Merrill Law! Here to help you with Criminal Defense, Personal Injury, Traffic Tickets.

There are many ways an experienced attorney can help you.

Call us now to ask additional questions or to hire an experienced attorney who has deep connections with the local legal system.

(425) 259 4972

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Speed Too Fast for Conditions

Speed Too Fast for Conditions, But I was not speeding.

A Speed Too Fast for Conditions infraction is in the same sub sections as speeding.  And while you might not have been speeding,  the “Condition” refers to being too close to the car in front of you to be able to stop before running into the back of that car.

This is a moving violation that will stay on your driving record for 3 years. It can cause your insurance rates to go up.

We Can Help with an Speed Too Fast for Conditions Ticket

We will go to court to fight the ticket for you. Our goal is to keep the citation, the moving violation, off of the infraction section of your driving record.  

In Washington the report of an accident will appear on your driving record in the Accident Section. We are not able remove an accident report.

I Don’t Want it on My Record…

Call the office to discuss the details and see if we can help you with an infraction like this.

There are many ways an experienced traffic attorney can fight your ticket for you.

Call us now

To ask additional questions or to hire an experienced attorney who has deep connections with the local legal system.

(425) 259 4972

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Defective Equipment

Defective Equipment

The Revised Code of Washington has a list of defective equipment violations. Some examples include a cracked windshield, tail light burned out, headlight burned out, brake light burned out.

Negative Impacts of Defective Equipment Ticket

Some of these violations appear on your driving record and may have a negative impact that can cause an increase in your automobile insurance rates.

According the WAC 308-104-160, Parking violations, equipment violations or paperwork violations relating to insurance, registration, licensing, and inspection are considered “non-moving violations”.

It is important to realize that the safety implications of keeping your vehicle in good condition are at the foundation of these tickets. Visibility, proper traction, or effective brakes can make a significant difference for you, your passengers and those around you.

There are many ways an experienced traffic attorney can fight your ticket for you.

Call us now

To ask additional questions or to hire an experienced attorney who has deep connections with the local legal system.

(425) 259 4972

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Safety Belts in Washington

(Update September 17, 2024)

Safety Belt Laws in Everett and Snohomish County, Washington

In Everett and across Snohomish County, Washington State law mandates that all adults must wear a safety belt while operating or riding in a motor vehicle. This safety measure is crucial to reducing injuries and fatalities in vehicle accidents, and local law enforcement takes it seriously.

Who Must Wear a Safety Belt?

Every individual over the age of 16—whether they are the driver or a passenger—must wear a seat belt that is properly secured. Failure to do so may result in a traffic infraction, which could appear on your driving record. It’s important to note, however, that under Washington law (RCW 46.61.688), this infraction is not reported to insurance companies or employers, offering some protection against potential rate hikes or employment issues.

Responsibility of Drivers for Passengers Under 16

Drivers in Snohomish County must ensure that all passengers under the age of 16 are properly secured. This includes making sure children are in the appropriate car seats or safety restraints, based on their age, height, and weight.

Medical Exemptions

There are some exemptions to the seat belt law. For example, a licensed physician may provide a written verification if a driver or passenger is unable to use a seat belt for medical or physical reasons. If you live in Everett or Snohomish County and believe you might qualify for this exemption, consult your doctor for documentation that you can present to law enforcement if needed.

Child Safety Belt and Restraint Laws

Washington State has strict guidelines to protect children on the road. If you’re driving through Everett or anywhere in Snohomish County, it’s important to comply with the following child safety laws:

  • Under 2 Years of Age: Children must be secured in a rear-facing car seat until they reach the height or weight limit of the seat’s manufacturer. Rear-facing seats provide the best protection for infants and toddlers in the event of an accident.
  • 2-4 Years of Age: Once your child outgrows their rear-facing seat, they must transition to a forward-facing car seat, remaining in this restraint until they exceed the height or weight limit as per the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Under 4’9″ in Height: Children under 4 feet 9 inches tall are required to be properly secured in a booster seat or other child restraint system that complies with U.S. Department of Transportation standards. This system must be installed according to the manufacturer’s instructions and your vehicle’s manual.
  • Under 13 Years of Age: For children under 13, the back seat is the safest place in the car. Washington law requires children to sit in the back seat when possible.

Law Enforcement and Penalties

Law enforcement officers in Everett and Snohomish County have the authority to visually inspect child safety restraints during a traffic stop. They will confirm whether the car seat or booster is appropriate for the child’s age, height, and weight and verify that it has been properly installed. If you are found in violation of the child restraint laws, you could be issued a traffic infraction.

However, there is some leniency for first-time offenders. According to RCW 46.61.687, if you are cited for a violation of the child restraint law, you can have the ticket dismissed by providing proof to the court within seven days that you have acquired an appropriate restraint system—assuming you have not had a prior dismissal for the same issue.

Stay Safe in Everett and Beyond

Whether you’re driving around downtown Everett or commuting through Snohomish County, following Washington’s safety belt and child restraint laws not only keeps you and your passengers safe, but it also helps you avoid costly fines and legal consequences. For legal advice on traffic violations or to understand more about your rights and obligations, Merrill Law is here to help. Contact us today for expert legal support.

There are many ways an experienced traffic attorney can fight your ticket for you.

Call us now

To ask additional questions or to hire an experienced attorney who has deep connections with the local legal system.

(425) 259 4972

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Tips For Driving in the Snow

Let it Snow

Snow in the Forecast

Although those words are such good news for skiers…they are not always the best news for drivers. Don’t worry we have got you covered with some tips to make your trip with less slip sliding away.

On the Skids

If you should wake up to a winter wonderland here are some of the things that you should know.

Prepare your Rig

With emergency supplies, warm blanket, water, snacks, some traction sand, a full tank of gas, a charger for your phone, etc.  You can find more extensive lists from the Washington State Department of Transportation.

Traction is the name of the game

Without proper traction we lose control. So a set of tire chains, traction tires, or tire socks if your vehicle has low clearance.  Check here for specific details on traction notices from the Department of Transportation.

Be Sure To

  • Leave early, so that you do not need to rush.  
  • Leave a larger following distance
  • Give your brakes a break…Slamming on your brakes can cause you to lose what little traction your car has in snow and ice.  Instead try to anticipate times when you will need to stop and begin to slow down early, downshift gently, apply the brake with a feather like approach.
  • Do not pull out in front of oncoming traffic as they may not be able to stop.

Check for Road Closures

You will want check to see if there are any Road Closures in place.  While they try to keep closures up to date there may be emergency closures.

When in Doubt Stay Put

If for some reason you feel that the road conditions are simply too dangerous, stay safe and sound where you are.

There are many ways an experienced attorney can help you.

Call us now

To ask additional questions or to hire an experienced attorney who has deep connections with the local legal system.

(425) 259 4972

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Get Ready For Fall Driving Conditions

With the Arrival of Fall…

It is a really good time to take a minute to check your vehicle…

To ensure that it is prepared for winter driving.  Perhaps this is something you tackle yourself, or maybe you have a skilled person do this for you.  

Some of the things you will want to have looked into include:  Proper tire pressure and condition, your engine oil levels, coolant level and proper concentrations.  The condition of the battery and confirm that your Emergency Kit is well stocked.

Now is also good time to add important websites to your smart-phone…

Snohomish County Road Closure, Emergency Weather notifications, School Closures lists and the PUD Outage report numbers.

Take a look around your yard…

For items to store including your summer furniture and yard toys, or things in need of repair.

These steps can help insure that you are better prepared…

To take full advantage of Local Harvest time events including: Corn Maze, train rides, fall hikes, festivals, and more.

Here are a few websites where you can find more things to do:

Snohomish County Events Calendar

Everett Herald Community Calendar

There are many ways an experienced attorney can help you.

Call us now

To ask additional questions or to hire an experienced attorney who has deep connections with the local legal system.

(425) 259 4972

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Tips For Driving In Stormy Weather

Stormy Weather

We are likely to remember  November’s storm for a long time with the intense wind and rain.  Causing so much devastation and loss for our region in the form of road closures, power outages, and damage from fallen trees.  Yet at the same time it was a time to see the great heroes among us.

Let there be light…

A special thank you goes out to all the PUD and Linemen who were out there around the clock to restore our power and reopen our roads. I was so thankful to see the power return to individuals all across the county. Thank you seems, at times, like a small thing to say for all those who make a real difference.

Lights, Sirens, Action…

We share the road with heroes.  They walk, drive and work among us.  Putting our needs ahead of their own.   Thank you to all of the first responders who are constantly on call to help at a moments’ notice, Dispatch, Firemen, Police, Sheriff, State Patrol, Ambulance, EMT’s, Nurses, Doctors, the list goes on. 

Right, Left, Right Left…

With that in mind be sure to yield to Emergency Vehicles.  If they are traveling in route to respond to an emergency move to the right and let them pass you and hurry onto the emergency.  Do this for them…Do this for you. You can get some serious tickets for not yielding to the right.  

If they have reached their destination  and are stopped along the right side of the road, be sure to slow down and change lanes to allow them to conduct their business without concern for their own safety.

Emergency zones are defined as the adjacent lanes of the roadway 200 feet before and after a stationary emergency vehicle with a siren or flashing lights, tow truck using red lights, emergency assistance vehicle using warning lights, or police vehicle using emergency lights. 

Do Not Cross…

The road closed signs are for our safety.  During the most recent storm I encountered two different types of signs along my travels.  

The penalty for crossing a Road Closed with the County Sheriff symbol is a misdemeanor, a Criminal offense, for those who drive around the sign.

The Road Closed to Thru Traffic is a warning to drivers that the normal route is obstructed.  So be sure to treat the roadway with caution, as you do not know when or where there is an obstruction.  

The Snohomish County road closure page is a great resource for planning a trip that may include road closures.  

Live Wires…

Speaking of obstructions it is not safe to drive over downed power lines. Treat all power lines as if they are live with electricity.  While we like to get a charge out of life, the voltage contained in downed power lines is not the type to toy with.

And the Waters Came Up…

Do not drive into flooded roadways.  Water over the roadway is a sneaky thing, as it disguises the obstacles below the surface. It only takes 6 inches of water to get you into a dangerous situation, by floating your car, removing traction, or by hidden obstacles or road damage.  That does not even begin to cover the possible damage to your vehicle.

Use Good Sense…Look, Listen, Live

During the storm watch closely for falling trees and branches. Be aware that fallen branches may have sharp edges that can be a danger to your tires.  

It may be wise to  drive with your windows rolled down just a little, to allow you to listen to what is happening around you.  

Be aware of the changing smells around you.  Burning trees, leaking gas lines, etc.

Blown Away

Next time the Storms come in we hope that you will be better prepared and ready to rise to the challenge.

There are many ways an experienced attorney can help you.

Call us now

To ask additional questions or to hire an experienced attorney who has deep connections with the local legal system.

(425) 259 4972

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Being Prepared For Driving Conditions

Prepared? Time to Take Stock

The weather change is always a good time to take stock and prepare for what if…

Having been stranded a time or two, I know how important it is to keep emergency supplies in the vehicle.  A flashlight, a flare or a blinking light, a tool kit, rain gear, blanket, snacks, and water can go a long way to making a difficult situation so much better.  

Flat Tire, Need an Iron…

Speaking from experience, it is wise to check that your tire iron is the correct size for all of the lug nuts on your vehicle. Occasionally they are not all the same size.

Scout It Out…

Don’t be overwhelmed by extensive lists.  You may already have items in your home that can be used to create an emergency kit in your home and in your vehicle.  As time goes by continue to add different pieces to your collection.  Assemble as much as you can  in a storage tub or tote bag that is easily accessible in the event of an emergency.

Here are some basic supplies that would help you get through an outage lasting three to five days:   

Three- to five-day supply of non-perishable food that needs little or no cooking
Blankets and pillows
Portable, battery-powered radio and clock
Extra batteries
Manual can opener, bottle opener, and utility knife
First-aid kit
Bottled water (minimum two quarts per person per day but preferably one gallon per person per day)
Matches in a waterproof container or a lighter
Cooler (and keep ice or ice packs ready in your freezer)
Personal hygiene, sanitary supplies
Cash (ATM’s and banks may not be available)
Pet supplies for three to five days
Playing cards, games, and books for entertainment
Prescription medications
Phone charger for a car

Out in the Cold…

For your safety keep the barbecue and the generators outside.   In the event of an outage, dress in layers to keep warm, gather in a central room in your home to conserve heat and resources.  Keep the doors closed to the fridge to keep the temperature cool inside.

Don’t Forget the Fun….

 We keep a supply of glow sticks, battery operated games, board games, books, arts and crafts to create by lantern light.  A metal teapot to boil water for hot Cocoa and Marshmallows for roasting on the grill.   

At Your Fingertips… 

Snohomish County Road Closure Map
King County Road Closures

If the Power Goes Out PUD

There are many ways an experienced attorney can help you.

Call us now

To ask additional questions or to hire an experienced attorney who has deep connections with the local legal system.

(425) 259 4972

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Tips for Driving in Hot Weather

Tips for Driving in Hot Weather

At Merrill Law we like to share some tips for the road to keep you and your vehicle in tip top condition as you enjoy your road trips.

Car Care

  • Battery- Extreme temperatures are hard on the battery system. So if your battery is up there in years, it might be a good opportunity to have it replaced, before the added heat stress causes it to fail to give your car the charge it needs.
  • Fluids- Are so important for maintaining your vehicle in a safe manner
  • Coolant- Your cars radiator is critical to the correct operating temperature of your engine. Refer to your owners manual for instructions. Do NOT open the cap of the radiator when the engine is hot.
  • Oil- Check your oil level as your engine must have the proper level of oil to keep each moving part humming right along.
  • Brakes- Pay attention as you brake to see if they are letting out unusual noises or if they have developed any shakes or surges that are out of the ordinary.
  • Windshield- Keep the glass clean to reduce reflections that could interfere with your driving. Windshield washers may not be very effective in removing some of the build up, so be prepared to pull over and wash the surface if needed.
  • Tire Pressure- When the rubber meets the road you may find that the heat changes your tires air pressure. If your tires are under inflated, they will be more prone to have a blow out, and those are no fun.
  • Tire Tread Condition- can cause your traction to respond very differently when the asphalt is hot, some times the surface of the road becomes softer in this type of weather.
  • Air Circulation- Is critical for both you and your engine. Be sure to keep an eye on the engine temperature gauge on your dash. If it is rising to high you may need to pull over and turn off your car to allow your engine to cool. Another option is to draw heat out of engine compartment by turning on your interior heater.
  • Air Conditioner- Is most effective in cooling the passenger compartment when you have it set to recirculate the previously cooled air. Remember that some times the Air Conditioner can put a big draw on the temperature of the Transmission when you are driving at higher altitudes.

Emergency Car Kit

  • Jumper cables
  • Extra Fluids for the vehicle.
  • Flares or caution cones.

People Care

  • No one left behind- people or pets as the temperature inside a vehicle can rise very quickly.
  • Water for all the living beings. Be sure to stay well hydrated.
  • Snacks are best if they are not heat sensitive.
  • Shade/ sun screen for when you are not in your vehicle.
  • Phone and charger.

Weird Tips

  • Alcohol based Sanitizer- Many of us are carrying a container in our vehicle. It may be wise to be sure that it is not in a place that is exposed to direct heat… as it can be flammable.
  • Clear Water bottles can act like a magnifying glass and should be kept out of direct sunlight to reduce flammable any properties.
  • Don’t Get Burned-by the asphalt, concrete or sand surfaces as you exit your vehicle, they retain heat even after they are shaded.

Wear your shades, take a break and rest often to stay at your most alert status for driving.

There are many ways an experienced attorney can help you.

Call us now

To ask additional questions or to hire an experienced attorney who has deep connections with the local legal system.

(425) 259 4972

Click Here to read more of our On The Road series

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To Shred or Not to Shred?

The Answer Is Shred…

Plan To Attend Our FREE Shred and Food Drive Event January 9th 2023 from 1 PM to 3 PM.


That’s right, there is no cost to bring your documents to The Law Office Of Rick H. Merrill where office employees will be onsite to help you carry boxes.

Documents will be destroyed by Proshed, a professional document destruction service with a mobile shredding unit.

You can watch your documents be shredded right before your eyes!

Last year ProShred happily shred several tons of documents at our event.  The truck does not accept CD’s or Paper Clamps.

A very special thank you to the guys from ProShred for jumping in to help make the event run smoothly and even helping to carry in the Food Donations at the end.

Donate Non- Perishable Food Items…

While sorting through documents and clearing out the house grab any non-perishable goods you may want to donate to help us support our local food banks.

Each year we have been blessed by your generosity to deliver a carload of food and cash donations to the Snohomish County Food Bank to help those in need. 

We look forward to another amazing Shred Event on January 9th 2023

Call us now

To ask additional questions or to hire an experienced attorney who has deep connections with the local legal system.

(425) 259 4972

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Donate to Beck’s Place to Help People and Pets

We are  collecting donations for Beck’s Place in Monroe.  

At Beck’s Place they are committed to helping people and pets move forward in life.  Keeping families together is important to Beck’s Place and pets are part of the family. 

The signature program that they offer is a fostering service for those who must leave their pets for medical care, treatment, or other safety reasons.  Melanie, founder of Beck’s Place, mentioned that there are many seniors who will refuse care, so they do not need to leave or lose their pets.

Knowing that when they return, their pet will be waiting to rejoin the family is important to many of these owners and allows them to make the choices needed to improve their lives. 

We want to thank Kaylan for the donation of these handmade scarves. Your kindness and thinking of others is appreciated.

Please Bring Your Donation for Beck’s Place to the Law Office of Rick Merrill

In addition to the fostering service, they meet needs related to food, supplies, cleaning, hygiene items, sleeping and outdoor supplies, and even clothing for both people and pets.

  • Cat and dog food
  • Dog sweaters or coats
  • Hygiene Items
  • Cleaning supplies
  • Sleeping or outdoor supplies
  • or other items noted on their website.

Helping in our local community is something that each one of us can do.  

We are accepting donations at 3625 Colby Avenue, Everett, WA 98201. During Business Hours.

Call us now

To ask additional questions or to hire an experienced attorney who has deep connections with the local legal system.

(425) 259 4972

Click Here to read more of our Local Community series

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Monday Morning Smiles

Monday Morning Smiles

Who doesn’t love flowers?

Rick Merrill teamed up with Blue Ribbon Flowers to surprise a Snohomish County business with a bouquet of flowers on Monday mornings during the 2018 and 2019 year.

Beautiful Bouquets a Year in Review…

Lucky Recipients

Allstate Insurance Agent located on Broadway in Everett. Keith Partington and Shylah do excellent work and are always available to answer any insurance questions for their customers.

Dr. Jim Courrier of Courrier & Boggeri General Dentistry in Everett. Dr. Courrier and his team are known for their excellence in dental care and how they treat their clients.

Hanky Pies in Granite Falls serves their community well hosting various programs and events that benefit kids and the less fortunate in the community. Thank you Hanky Pies for setting such a great example for our community!

Everett AquaSox have several ways they are helping in the community including donations, fundraisers, and the swing for kids program.

AJ’s Burgers in Marysville might be a small restaurant but they have a large impact toward customer satisfaction.

Action Sports located in Arlington has a very personable staff that are happy to assist you whether you are looking for equipment or just happy to chat about sports. They also expand their great community service by supporting the local sport teams.

Super Supplements We have heard great things about their customer service. 

Trader Joe’s in Everett, WA to honor their customer service.

Mountain View Animal Hospital Thank you Dr. Bliven and Dr. Thoreson for loving your community well! 

Snohomish Pie Co Jenny Brien and her staff do an exceptional job of making fresh pies, cookies and cinnamon rolls daily while always having top notch customer service. Stop by their Snohomish or MountLake Terrace locations for a sweet treat! 🥧 

Cascade Lumber, Stanwood They devote a considerable amount of time and resources to their community to make it a better place. 

Taco Del Marin Everett is known for helping the less fortunate in downtown Everett.

Sam’s Cats and Dogs in Monroe. Sam’s is known for doing a tremendous amount of community service and always looking for ways they can go the extra mile for their customers.

Stanwood Swim & Fitness LLC. Residents of Stanwood speak highly of their commitment of being community focused, striving to keep Stanwood a great place to live and work.

Les Schwab Tire Centers in Snohomish  We have heard some wonderful stories of service that is above and beyond.

Moe’s Espresso in Arlington, WA keep their community stimulated with great customer service.

McDaniel’s Do It Center in Snohomish, WA. for their friendly staff, great inventory, and involvement in supporting local groups and events. 

Cedarbrook Veterinary Carein Snohomish, WA bringing joy to their work with the high standard of care that they provide to the animals and their owners. 

Accurate Auto Servicein Snohomish, WA for their expertise in mechanics and customer service.

Panera Breadhas a great staff, delicious food, and a charitable outlook toward the community.

Crosson’s Auto Repair in Lake Stevens. We have heard stories of service that is  above and beyond! 

Pharm-A-Save Monroeis known by their community for always going above and beyond their services to be helpful and share a friendly smile.

Awards Service, Inc.They are known for their fantastic customer service and exceptional quality of products! 

Petite Sweet Bakeryin Everett, WA for their wonderful assortment of baked goods and cheerful staff.

Eyecare Centerof Snohomish, WA. will welcome you in and take care of your vision needs with attention to detail.

Cascadia Chiropractic in Marysville provides a comfortable, personable family friendly environment that enhances the confident care for the patients.

K&D Servicesof Everett. supplies flaggers for our local area, knowledgeable, caring workers who strive to keep our families and roads safe during construction or emergency repairs.

Dog-on-it Parksin Everett, WA. They are passionate about creating safe and fun environments for dogs and have a supporting staff to make it happen. 

Completely Flooredin Everett, WA have a knowledgeable team that aims high to keep their customers happy. 

OM3 Oral Surgeryhas several locations in Snohomish County and a team “that works hard in making sure their patients are well taken care of” said Debbie.

UPS store in Snohomish, WA. for your stupendous organization and time management skills that make the shipping business less cumbersome, especially during the Holidays.

Espresso AvenueWe want to thank you for uplifting the community with your customer service and tasty beverages. 

Kim A McGinninsDentist in Everett, WA  all the staff are friendly professionals who strive to take care of each patient with the utmost care. 

Cascade Birth Centerin Everett, WA. for all of their hard work to assist growing families in the community. 

All Seasons Spa & Stovein Arlington, WA offer a variety of home appliances so you can create your own home oasis.

Co-Op Supplyin Everett, WA provides a welcoming and cheerful location to meet the needs of local pets and livestock.  They provide a wonderful carry out service that lighten your load.

Coastal Community Bankin Snohomish, WA for their hard work, cheery attitude and support of local charitable causes. They have logged many hours volunteering within Snohomish County. 

Funkoin Everett. A delightful store with a heart for the community, helping many non profit agencies with products, resources or financial support.

Pilates by the Bayin Everett, WA. for having a fun and knowledgeable staff who bring strength, mobility and joy to the community through health and fitness.

Banner Bank in Everettoutstanding customer service.

Work n More in Everett, WA Work n More supplies strong and durable supplies and clothing to support the construction and union workers in a way that enables them to perform their duties at their finest.

Mountain Pacific Bank for your friendly customer service and investing in local businesses.

Call us now

To ask additional questions or to hire an experienced attorney who has deep connections with the local legal system.

(425) 259 4972

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Motorcycles-Do’s and Don’ts

Motorcycles-Do’s and Don’ts  

Riding a Motorcycle is a great way to commute and enjoy our beautiful state. 

To Legally Ride in Washington State.  

You are required to obtain a motorcycle endorsement.  There are two endorsements to select from based on the features of the bike that you will be riding:  

  • 2-wheel motorcycle.
  • 3-wheel sidecar or trikes. 

Requirements for Motorcycles

  • If the engine is smaller than 50 cc and has a maximum speed of 30 mph you are not required to have an endorsement.  
  • If you have a 2-wheel motorcycle or scooter that has an engine larger than 50 cc or can exceed speeds of 30 mph you are required to have a 2-wheel motorcycle endorsement. 
  • You are required to have a 3-wheel endorsement if your 2-wheel motorcycle has a stabilizing conversion kit installed, if your motorcycle has a sidecar, or if your motorcycle is considered a 3-wheel trike.  

To Obtain an Endorsement.

You are required to successfully:

  • Complete a motorcycle safety course at a Washington State Department of Licensing approved motorcycle training school or,
  • Pass the knowledge and riding skills test at an approved motorcycle training school.  

It is illegal to ride a motorcycle without the proper endorsements or permits.

For additional information please check with Washington State Department of Licensing

Approved Motorcycle Helmets

Helmets are required to ride a motorcycle or motorcycle trike. They must be certified by the manufacturer as meeting the United States Department of Transportation standards outlined in 49 CFR 571.218.  

A helmet that meets the standards required by the Department of Transportation will have:

  • A sticker on the back 
  • Information on the inside of the helmet that includes manufacturer name, helmet model, and size.  

A traffic ticket may be issued If you ride a motorcycle or trike without an approved helmet.

There are many ways an experienced traffic attorney can fight your ticket for you.

Call us now

To ask additional questions or to hire an experienced attorney who has deep connections with the local legal system.

(425) 259 4972

Click Here to read more of our On The Road series

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