Ignition Interlock Employer Exemption

You can have an Ignition Interlock Device installed in your personal vehicle. You can apply for an Ignition Interlock Employer Exemption. This will allow you to continue to drive for work after you have been accused of a DUI.

If the Court or the Department of License (DOL) has ordered you to have an Ignition Interlock Device installed on your personal vehicle, there is an exemption available for you to drive employer owned vehicles. The vehicle must be owned, leased, rented or be the temporary responsibility of your employer.

To be eligible to apply for the Employer Declaration for Ignition Interlock Exemption you need to:

  • Have an Ignition Interlock installed on your personal vehicle.
  • Complete the employee section of the form.
  • Have your employer complete their portion of the form.
  • Send a copy of the completed form to the Department of License
  • You need to carry a copy of the form when you are driving the company vehicle.

You can find the Employer Declaration for the Exemption for the Ignition Interlock requirement at dol.wa.gov or you may Click Here to follow the link to the Department of License form.

Important Details To Be Aware Of.

The Exemption will only apply to a vehicle that your employer has directed you to drive. It will not apply to any vehicles that you are driving for your personal commute to and from work.

Feel free to call us with any questions or to ask for help to complete the form.

We know that this can be a life changing event but it isn’t the end of the world.  

There are many ways an experienced attorney can fight for you.

Call us now

To ask additional questions or to hire an experienced attorney who has deep connections with the local legal system.

(425) 259 4972

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What you need to know about Bail

What you need to know about Bail

What you need to know about Bail is that when you are charged with a Crime, the Judge will set conditions for your release.

These may include that you appear at future court hearings, do not get charged with another crime, as well as an assortment of other limitations.

To help ensure that you are inclined to follow the directions, they will often set an amount of money that you need to pay the court for your release. This is called Bail.

There are two ways that you can make your bail payment.

  • You can pay the entire amount to the Court. All of your bail money returned to you if you complete all the conditions and attend all of the hearings as required.
  • You can pay a fee of 10 percent of the total bail amount to a Bail Bonds company. At the completion of your case, your collateral will be returned. The bail bonds company will keep the fee.

What you need to know about Bail to get your money back.

Be aware that if you do not appear at your court hearings, or meet all of your conditions, you will forfeit your Bail money.

We know that this can be a life changing event but it isn’t the end of the world.  

There are many ways an experienced attorney can fight for you.

Call us now

To ask additional questions or to hire an experienced attorney who has deep connections with the local legal system.

(425) 259 4972

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What is a SCRAM Bracelet

(Updated September 17, 2024)

What is a SCRAM Bracelet?

A Secure Continuous Remote Alcohol Monitor (SCRAM) bracelet is a device used by courts and probation officers in Washington State, including Everett and Snohomish County, to monitor alcohol consumption. This bracelet is typically used for individuals facing DUI charges and is designed to track alcohol levels in a person’s system continuously.

The SCRAM bracelet is securely attached to a person’s lower leg, just above the ankle, and provides real-time monitoring of alcohol consumption through a specialized process.

When is a SCRAM Bracelet Required?

If you’re arrested for DUI in Snohomish County or nearby areas like Everett, the court may require you to wear a SCRAM bracelet as part of your release conditions. Common reasons for being ordered to wear a SCRAM bracelet include:

  • Having prior DUI convictions
  • Having a high blood alcohol content (BAC) at the time of your arrest

Once ordered, the bracelet must be worn until your DUI case concludes, helping courts ensure that you’re abstaining from alcohol while your legal case is pending.

How Does a SCRAM Bracelet Work?

The SCRAM bracelet continuously monitors alcohol levels in your body by analyzing the ethanol vapor in your perspiration. This technology, called transdermal alcohol testing, allows the device to detect alcohol in your system even if you’re not visibly sweating.

Key features of the SCRAM bracelet include:

  • Automated Testing: The device tests for alcohol every 30 minutes, around the clock.
  • Data Storage: All data is stored in the bracelet and is uploaded to a base station at scheduled intervals.
  • Proximity to Base Station: You must be within 30 feet of the base station during data transmission.
  • Remote Transmission: Test results are automatically sent to your assigned probation officer or agent via a telephone line or wireless connection.

Limitations and Care Guidelines

While the SCRAM bracelet is highly effective in monitoring alcohol consumption, there are some important limitations and care guidelines to keep in mind:

  • No Tampering: The device is equipped to detect any tampering, obstruction, or damage. Attempts to interfere with the bracelet can result in additional penalties.
  • Water Restrictions: You cannot submerge the SCRAM bracelet in water. This means no baths or swimming while the bracelet is in place.
  • Showering: You can shower, but only with alcohol-free soap. It’s important to keep the area around the bracelet dry to prevent skin irritation.

Living with a SCRAM Bracelet

Having to wear a SCRAM bracelet can be a life-changing event, but it doesn’t have to define your future. If you’re in Everett or Snohomish County and have been ordered to wear one, it’s important to comply with all regulations and court orders to avoid further complications. At Merrill Law, we understand that navigating DUI cases can be overwhelming. Our legal team is here to support you through every step of the process and ensure that you have the best possible outcome.

There are many ways an experienced attorney can fight for you.

Call us now

To ask additional questions or to hire an experienced attorney who has deep connections with the local legal system.

(425) 259 4972

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What Is a Drug or Alcohol Evaluation

What is a Drug or Alcohol Evaluation?

A diagnostic evaluation of your alcohol or drug use history by a certified chemical dependency professional also known as an evaluator.  

Why do I Have a Drug or Alcohol Evaluation Requirement?

There are a few reasons why someone would need to get a Drug or Alcohol evaluation.  

The court may require an alcohol or drug evaluation as part of your probationary release of a current case.  

The Department of Licensing requires an evaluation to reinstate your license, after a DUI conviction.

Your attorney may ask you to complete an alcohol or drug evaluation in order to help with negotiations with the prosecutor for your pending D.U.I. case.

The Evaluation Interview

The certified evaluator will ask you a multitude of questions to help assess your current alcohol or drug use.  

They will review your:

  • Legal history
  • Blood alcohol content or evidence of drug use at the time of the arrest.  
  • Case history including: age, marital status, education, any previous military service, job status, mental and medical health.  
  • Current use of any prescribed or over the counter medications.  

You will be required to submit a urine sample for a toxicology screening for drugs and alcohol.

Evaluation Completion

After the Evaluation Interview the Evaluator will gather required documents to complete the evaluation report.  

Most agencies require the police report from the incident, your criminal background history, and a copy of your motor vehicle driving record.  You will need to sign the treatment agencies release of information so they may submit it to the Attorney.

The diagnostic evaluation with suggested treatment measures are compiled from the personal interview and the data from the various reports. 

Various Treatment Recommendations.  

Treatment recommendations are made by the professional. The Evaluator will recommend the best course of action to take regarding your current legal issue for the court to review. 

These may include intensive inpatient treatment, outpatient care, an 8 hour alcohol drug information school(A.D.I.S.) or a Victims Panel.  And are specific to the individual case.

We know that this can be a life changing event but it isn’t the end of the world.  

There are many ways an experienced attorney can fight for you.

Call us now

To ask additional questions or to hire an experienced attorney who has deep connections with the local legal system.

(425) 259 4972

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Criminal Deferred Prosecution

Criminal Deferred Prosecution

A Criminal Deferred Prosecution is generally related to a DUI.  

A person will only qualify to use a Deferred Prosecution once in their Lifetime.

Important to know…

You are required to go through an Evaluation and must agree that one of the following was a contributing factor in your DUI.

  • Alcohol
  • Drugs
  • Mental Health

You need to complete an Outpatient Treatment program for 2 years.

You must abide by all Probation restrictions for 5 years.

Good News

If you do everything as instructed and do not violate any of the restrictions, your DUI will be dismissed.

Bad News

If you are convicted of a second DUI, this Deferred DUI will count as a prior offense.  Which will add to the consequences.

Criminal Deferred Prosecution Details

A criminal deferred prosecution is something that should not be taken lightly.  If you have been charged with a DUI or physical control in Washington State you are only eligible for deferred prosecution once in a lifetime.  If you are able to complete all of the court imposed conditions after a 5 year period, the DUI charge will be dismissed.  

Deferred prosecution has its benefits.  It can help you keep your driver’s license, avoid having to serve jail time, as well help those with serious drug or alcohol dependency achieve sobriety.

Eligibility Criminal Deferred Prosecution

There is a strict criteria that you must meet before you can be eligible for deferred prosecution.

  1. You cannot have been granted a deferred prosecution in your lifetime
  2. You must be diagnosed by a court approved substance abuse counselor as alcohol dependent, drug dependent or have mental health issues diagnosed by a mental health professional
  3. You must be enrolled and complete a 2 year treatment program for alcohol or drug abuse, or a 2 year treatment program for mental health treatment. RCW 10.05.020

Serious Considerations for Criminal Deferred Prosecution

When you enter into a deferred prosecution program you need to consider several court requirements

  1. When you agree to a deferred prosecution for a DUI, you must give up the opportunity to fight your case in court. Meaning if at all during the 5 year period you are found out of compliance with the terms of the deferred prosecution, the presiding judge would read the police report from DUI charge, and you could be found guilty of the DUI charge without the ability to present evidence in your defense.
  2. After you have successfully completed the deferred prosecution program and the DUI charge is dismissed, the deferred prosecution is still considered a prior offense. RCW 46.61.5055
  3. When accepting a deferred prosecution you are legally required to state that you have an alcohol or drug abuse problem or suffering from mental health issues, and by stating this you agree that without professional treatment the possibility of a repeat offense is likely.
  4. You are required to be abstinent from alcohol and non-prescribed, mood altering drugs during the 5 year deferred program. You will be required to submit random urinalysis tests through the treatment agency and probation to confirm your abstinence from alcohol or drugs.
  5. A rigorous 2 year treatment program for alcohol, drug abuse or mental health is required.
  6. There are several costs to consider when entering into a deferred prosecution program. You will be required to take financial responsibility for any treatment program expenses as well as probation costs. Courts will consider probation costs to be paid over a length of time, however it is important to understand that expenses can range in the $1000’s
  7. The court will require you to have an ignition interlock device as well as an ignition interlock license. The Washington State Department of Licensing might have this requirement as well, depending on if your license has been suspended by them.

We know that this can be a life changing event but it isn’t the end of the world.  

There are many ways an experienced attorney can fight for you.

Call us now

To ask additional questions or to hire an experienced attorney who has deep connections with the local legal system.

(425) 259 4972

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Traveling with a DUI or Other Criminal Offenses

Traveling with a DUI

Traveling with a DUI charge or conviction. When you are traveling out of the country can be a bit more complicated.  

You need to be aware that there are rules and restrictions that may prevent your entry into other countries, including Canada.

Be Prepared

Do your research  for the country you are planning to visit

Crossing the Border

According to the Canadian Immigration law if you have been charged with or convicted of a Driving while Impaired (DUI), you could be denied entry into Canada.

Canada does have a permit that you can apply for that may allow your entry into Canada.

Traveling With DUI Required Documents

Check your documents prior to making any trip across an international border, to confirm each country requirements for entry. 

The Canada Border Services Agency has a list of acceptable documents for a United States citizen may need to cross the border.  

A list of those documents for re-entry United States of America are on the US customs and border protection website.

We know that this can be a life changing event but it isn’t the end of the world.  

There are many ways an experienced attorney can fight for you.

Call us now

To ask additional questions or to hire an experienced attorney who has deep connections with the local legal system.

(425) 259 4972

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Personal Injury What to Do

Personal Injury What to Do if you are injured in an accident.

This includes documenting the facts, following your doctors instructions, and contacting an attorney to help you.

Personal Injury What to Do Document.

It is very important to get all of the information at the accident scene.

What police agency it is, the insurance information from the other party, name, address. Talk to your doctors about any kind of missed work. Be sure to get documents from the Doctor if you will be missing work for treatment of your injuries.

Personal Injury What to Do Follow the Doctor’s instructions.

It is really important to do exactly what the doctor tells you, in a timely manner. This includes additional tests or treatment that are recommended. Keep track of the doctors that you see for this injury.

Personal Injury What to Do Contact an Attorney.

The best thing you can do is call an attorney. The attorney will take care of most of this stuff for you.

If you get injured in auto accident. I hope you don’t never do, I really hope you never do. Give us a call, you can get a hold of us and we will definitely help you.

There are many ways an experienced attorney can fight for the settlement that you deserve.

Call us now

To ask additional questions or to hire an experienced attorney who has deep connections with the local legal system.

(425) 259 4972

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PIP, Rogs and Other Weird Words for Personal Injury Cases

PIP, Rogs and Other Weird Words for Personal Injury Cases

We want to help you understand the weird words, confusing lingo and slang that Personal Injury Cases can have.

Personal Injury Protection (PIP), Special Damages, General Damages, Subrogation, Discovery, and Interrogatories (Rogs).

We Can Help With Auto Accident Personal Injury, Dog Bite Injury and Accidental Death cases.

There are many ways an experienced attorney can fight for the settlement that you deserve.

Call us now

To ask additional questions or to hire an experienced attorney who has deep connections with the local legal system.

(425) 259 4972

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Not Alone in a Personal Injury Case

Not Alone in Personal Injury Case

You are not alone in a Personal Injury Case if you have hired us to help you fight for the settlement that you deserve.

Injured in an accident? Do doctors, bill collectors, and insurance have you feeling overwhelmed?

You Are Not Alone, We Can Help You

You do not have to face them alone. We can help guide you through the process of getting your settlement taken care of.

There are many ways an experienced attorney can fight for the settlement that you deserve.

Call us now

To ask additional questions or to hire an experienced attorney who has deep connections with the local legal system.

(425) 259 4972

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Reckless Driving-The Basics

Reckless Driving

A reckless driving offense is a criminal charge . It is described in the RCW 46.61.500 as “Any person who drives any vehicle in willful or wanton disregard for the safety of persons or property is guilty of reckless driving.” 

Reckless Driving is a gross misdemeanor and is a major traffic offense.

It is punishable by:

  • Up to 364 days in jail 
  • A fine, not more than $5000.00.  
  • Driver’s license suspension for 30 days.  

Decision to File Reckless Driving Charges

State or County Officers

The patrol officer submits a complete report to the prosecutor. The prosecutor decides if charges will be filed in the court.

You will be notified by mail once the prosecutor has decided that there is enough evidence to charge you for this offense.

Your notice of hearing will include the arraignment location, date, and time.  

City Officers

The City Police officer will issue a criminal citation. Charges are filed and a printed criminal citation is given to you.  This will included the arraignment location, date and time information for your case.  

There are many ways an experienced Criminal Defense attorney can fight for you.

Call us now

To ask additional questions or to hire an experienced attorney who has deep connections with the local legal system.

(425) 259 4972

Click Here To Learn More About Criminal Defense.

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Getting Your Money Personal Injury

Getting Your Money, Your Settlement

Is the money that is coming to you after the case is completed.

Considerations That Will Effect Getting Your Money.

The Settlement is funds that are dispersed to cover all the bills related to your case and help to make things right for you.

Those bills include:

  • Attorney fees. Your contract with your attorney has a percentage of your settlement, that they have agreed to be paid to work this case for you.
  • Medical bills. Any unpaid medical bills will need to be paid from this settlement.
  • Subrogation. If your insurance has paid any of your bills related to this case, they are entitled to get that money back. Your attorney can work to lower those fees.

The Bottom Line Getting Your Money

When all the expenses have been paid, any remaining funds will be distributed to you.

There are many ways an experienced attorney can fight for the settlement that you deserve.

Call us now

To ask additional questions or to hire an experienced attorney who has deep connections with the local legal system.

(425) 259 4972

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Driving While License Suspended

Driving While License Suspended

Driving While License Suspended (DWLS) is a criminal charge that has three levels of severity. 

Driving While License Suspended First Degree

Your license may be suspended for conviction of 3 or more serious driving offenses.  

  • DUI
  • Reckless driving
  • Physical control of a vehicle while under the influence 
  • DWLS 1st or 2nd degree
  • Hit and run attended
  • Any felony involving an automobile

Driving While License Suspended First Degree is a gross misdemeanor, which is punishable by up to:

  • 364 days in jail, 
  • A $5,000 fine 

Mandatory Punishments 

  • First Offense: 10 days in Jail and an additional one year license suspension.
  • Second Offense: 90 days in Jail and an additional one year license suspension.
  • Third Offense: 180 days in Jail and an additional one year license suspension.

Driving While License Suspended Second Degree

Your license may be suspended for: 

  • Hit and run attended
  • Reckless driving 
  • Racing
  • Eluding a pursuing police officer
  • DUI
  • Vehicular assault
  • Vehicular homicide 
  • Driving while suspended second degree.  

Driving While License Suspended Second Degree is a gross misdemeanor, which is punishable by up to:

  • 364 days in jail, 
  • A $5,000 fine and 
  • A mandatory additional one year license suspension.

Driving While License Suspended Third Degree

Your license may be suspended for:

  • Unpaid court fines 
  • Failure to appear for a court hearing 
  • Failure to repay damages related to an accident

Driving While License Suspended third degree is a misdemeanor and is punishable by up to 

  • 90 days in jail 
  • A fine of $1000.  

Court Appearance Required 

You will be required to attend the court hearings for these charges.

There are many ways an experienced traffic attorney can fight your ticket for you.

Call us now

To ask additional questions or to hire an experienced attorney who has deep connections with the local legal system.

(425) 259 4972

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What is Probation?

Probation is a specified period of time where jail and fines are usually suspended.

The court will sentence you after you are convicted of a crime. That may include payments and jail time.

The Judge may grant you probation. There are conditions that you are required to follow throughout the probation period.

Possible Probation Conditions may include:

  • Alcohol evaluation.
  • Drug or alcohol treatment. 
  • SCRAM bracelet.
  • Regular urinalysis drug tests. 
  • Community service hours. 
  • Meetings with your assigned probation officer.
  • No new infractions or criminal charges.  

At the Sentencing hearing you will: 

  • Be provided a written copy of the probation conditions.  
  • Be required to sign the statement that you acknowledge and understand the required terms of release. 

Understanding the terms of your probation.

The Judge has granted you this probation and violating any of the conditions can result in jail time or additional fines being imposed.

What is a Probation Violation?

Violating the conditions is a serious offense.  Your probation officer or court representative will be notified immediately.

A court hearing will be scheduled regarding the violation.

The purpose of this hearing is for you to state to the court the reasons why you violated your probation.

  • Your appearance in court is required. 
  • If you fail to appear for the probation violation, a warrant may be issued.  
  • The judge has the ability to revoke your probation and impose jail time.

There are many ways an experienced Criminal Defense attorney can fight for you.

Call us now

To ask additional questions or to hire an experienced attorney who has deep connections with the local legal system.

(425) 259 4972

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Personal Injury Auto Accident Questions

Personal Injury Auto Accident Questions

If you have been injured in a car accident, you probably have a lot of questions.  Call to discuss your questions with an experienced Personal Injury Attorney to help ease your mind.

  • What do I do first?
  • Who do I need to call?
  • What information do I need?
  • How am I going to pay the medical bills?  
  • How am I going to recover lost wages?  
  • What do I say to insurance companies?

Questions About the Accident Details

We will ask you a series of questions to gather the details of the accident. This will help us determine if you have a viable claim. One that we can recover your losses from the accident.

  • What happened during the accident?
  • When did the accident happen?
  • Was there a citation issued and who received the citation?
  • Did you go to the doctor right away?
  • How long have you been in treatment?
  • Have you missed any work because of this accident?
  • Did the other party have insurance?  What is the name of their insurance company?
  • Do you have an adjusters contact information?

Time Limits

The Statute of Limitations is a Federal or State law that restricts the time in which legal proceedings may be brought against an individual.

In a personal injury case you generally have 3 years from the date of the accident to file a claim against an individual who has caused harm against you.  Although some cases may have different restrictions.

There are many ways an experienced attorney can fight for the settlement that you deserve.

Call us now

To ask additional questions or to hire an experienced attorney who has deep connections with the local legal system.

(425) 259 4972

Click Here To Learn More About Personal Injury

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2021 Educators of the Month Winners

2021 Educator of the Month Winners

Rick Merrill presents the Educator of the Month award to outstanding educators in Snohomish County.  The recipient receives a plaque and $500 to help defray miscellaneous expenses for the classroom.

The Law Offices of Rick H. Merrill has been a part of the Snohomish County community since 1994.  It is important to Rick to support our neighbors, local businesses and schools.  Rick partnered up with local radio station KXA 1520 am to sponsor a local educator each month.  Rick Merrill is recognizing our educators for their hard work and sacrifices. Who demonstrate their care and commitment to each generation of children.  

Winners are presented a plaque donated by Awards Service, Inc., a great big check to display, and $500 to help defray miscellaneous costs for the classroom.

Congratulations to our 2021 January Educator of the Month, Scott Holland of Park Place Middle School in the Monroe School District

He is an amazing science and math teacher he makes the classes fun. He volunteered to help me when I was struggling with math.

Nominated by  Maddie H.

Congratulations to our 2021 February Educator of the Month, Scott Flanders of Lake Stevens High School.

Nominated by  Aurora M.

Mr. Flanders is an Amazing teacher, who engages students. Excellent math teacher who goes above and beyond to teach kids who struggle. Mr. Flanders is also a teacher many feel safe talking with. Many students have taken the opportunity to talk with Mr. Flanders and his door is always open to talk with, eat lunch with or get some extra help.

I have never known a teacher who goes so above and beyond for his students. Mr. Flanders is also very active in the food drive within the school, helping students collect as much as possible in a variety of ways. He takes the opportunity to truly get to know each and every student and their learning style early in the semester so he can best cater his teaching style for all in his classes, Mr. Flanders is truly a teacher that goes above and beyond.

Congratulations To Our 2021 March Educator Of The Month, Sara Coiley of the Everett High School.

Words cannot describe the impact Sara Coiley has had on my life (both academic and personal).

When I was a student in high school I was quite shy and very nervous. Sara took the time out of her day to connect with me and to give me the confidence to pursue theatre. If it wasn’t for Sara, I wouldn’t be where I am today.

She pulls resources together like nobody’s business and works with a club budget that isn’t nearly large enough for the program. Her time at Everett High has brought more students, diversity, and love into the arts and drama department at the school.

About the Everett High School Drama Club: The Theatre Program has over 100 students who partake in Theatre and Technical Theatre classes, and includes almost 100 students who participate in extra-curricular plays, improv and musicals each season. Our curriculum courses offered are Beginning Drama, Intermediate/Advanced Drama, Technical Theatre I, II & III. All drama courses are semester long and students receive 0.5 fine arts credit; our technical theatre I course is a full year course in which our students receive a 1.0 fine arts and 1.0 CTE credit; technical theatre II & III are both semester courses and students receive 0.5 fine arts and 0.5 CTE credit. Our extracurricular program provides opportunity for students to earn varsity letter and points toward induction into the International Theatre Society – an honor society for the performing arts.

Nominated by  Lukas P.

Congratulations To Our 2021 April Educator Of The Month, Jon Murray of the Arlington High School.

Jon is outstanding in all that he does! He is an incredible science teacher and a phenomenal track country coach. Jon is easily one of the most positive, encouraging, lead by example people I have ever met. I just hope all 3 of my boys get the opportunity to have him as a teacher or coach!!!

Nominated by  Cole Y.

Congratulations To Our 2021 May Educator Of The Month, Kristie Rickert Of The Heatherwood Middle School.

My son has struggled with math during his grade school days and never got a grade higher than a B minus. He went to middle school and was very scared about his math.

His math teacher, Miss Rickert has offered after school tutoring for him twice a week and sends weekly emails to me regarding his progress. Under Miss Rickert, my son is now getting a 3.7 (A) grade, largely due to her assistance after school and inspiration. My son’s overall confidence has improved tremendously.

Nominated by John N.

Congratulations To Our 2021 June Educator Of The Month, Bill Kusler Of Skyline Elementary School.

Nominated by Scott M.

Bill teaches Music and Fitness to many Skyline Elementary Students. My oldest grandson Asher is in Kindergarten and loves Mr. Kuslers’s excellent on line, remote teaching lessons.
I have a few video clips of Asher doing Mr. Kuslers fitness. They are indeed adorable but go way beyond that, demonstrating the sincere, kind, dedicated and loving Teacher that Mr. Kusler is.

Dear Mr. Merrill and Staff,

I was able to purchase a very nice autoharp (picture attached) with the Educator of the Month grant money. Thank you again for your kindness.


🙂 Bill Kusler

Congratulations To Our 2021 September Educator Of The Month, Merriah Sample of the Forrest View Elementary School.

Nominated by Scott H.

Mrs. Sample is a school counselor at Forest View Elementary. She does such an amazing job of understanding and helping the students there.

When our son was at Forest View, Ms. Sample helped him to improve his social skills, behavior, and organization. She is always positive in her interactions with students and parents. She has had a huge positive impact on the lives of so many students!

October Educator of the Month Catherine McMaster
Congratulations October Educator of the Month Catherine McMaster. Thank you for your dedication to the students of Little Cedars Elementary.

Congratulations to 2021 October Educator Of The Month, Catherine McMaster of Little Cedars Elementary School.

My mom, she spends COUNTLESS after hours readying her classes, and goes above and beyond to aid to each child’s individual needs. Even when she was doing Special Ed kindergarten. She is one of the strongest and most supportive people I know and has made a great impact on people in the community. In fact this last summer on her birthday a Special Ed student she had heard back, unannounced, stopped by our house with our entire family there to drop off a card of how much her support changed her life.

Nominated by Trace M.

November Educator of the Month Kim Anderson 2021
November Educator of the Month Kim Anderson 2021

Congratulations to 2021 November Educator Of The Month, Kim Anderson of Arlington Christian School.

When COVID-19 hit and the public schools all went online my daughter who is in 5th grade could not keep up. Having a learning disability and trying to do online education was not working. We are so fortunate to have found Arlington Christian School. Mrs. Anderson has helped my daughter’s confidence tremendously. She is now even reading out loud in class. She loves school so much now.

Nominated by Renae H.

December Educator of the Month Lanna Duncan 2021

Congratulations to 2021 December Educator Of The Month, Lanna Duncan of Totem Falls Elementary.

Lanna Duncan is quite frankly the best thing that has happened to our school during the 9 years I have been employed at Totem Falls Elementary. Lanna came to us beginning in the 2018-19 school year as the first full time counselor we have been able to have. The energy, and fun demeanor is something that we desperately needed! The non-stop energy she has is amazing…and just before the school year she had a baby…she had every excuse in the world to be dragging daily…not her! Since joining our school she has joined me in being an advisor for our student counsel, a lead in our assembly creation team, and her many small groups she meets with daily/weekly to enrich the lives of students who need that extra bit of love. Since we have been in this online/distance learning model she not only checks in with her students that are on her own case load, but will check in with every single staff member to see how they are doing and if there is anything else that she can do to help them…all while going above and beyond doing her own job. She’s quite frankly amazing and I feel so blessed to not just call her a co-worker but a great friend as well. I can’t think of anyone more deserving of this honor.

Nominated by Jeremy C.

Click Here to Return to the Educator of the Month Home Page

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To Pay Your Medical Bills

Pay Your Medical Bills

To Pay Your Medical Bills

A lot of people think that somebody ran into my car, I got injured, so that person’s insurance company is going to pay for all of my medical bills, and it is going to be fine. My insurance company is not necessarily involved. And that is not really the case.

Personal Injury Protection

Most of the time they have Personal Injury Protection. Someone hits my car, I have auto insurance, I have Personal Injury Protection, most people have it, through their auto insurance. That Personal Injury Protection is going to pay your medical bills until this settlement is reached from the at fault insurance company. The at-fault insurance company is not going to pay your medical bills, yet.

The Settlement

The settlement that we send out, we will send them the demand saying, these are all the damages that my client suffered. Give us this much money.

The at fault insurance company is going to settle. We will agree on a settlement, we will negotiate, whatever the settlement is. The money that your insurance company paid for your medical bills is going to get reimbursed, at a reduction. So most of the time they will reduce one third, so if they pay out $10,000, we only have to pay back $6,666. The rest of that money goes to you.

The Settlement Includes Money To Pay Your Medical Bills

So a lot of people think that the at-fault insurance is going to pay for everything. That is not necessarily the case, usually they are not going to pay until the settlement is reached. But the settlement is going to include all of your medical bills to reimburse whoever has paid for it at that time. Whether it be your auto insurance, or sometimes your health insurance will pay for your medical bills with the intention that they are going to get reimbursed at the settlement.

A lot of people say well this person injured me, so they are going to pay for everything right now, but that is just not really how life works. That is not the system that we have, but that is why you hire us.

We are going to take care of that for you. We are going to help you out and get you the settlement that you deserve.

I am Logan Merrill and I do Personal Injury Law at Merrill Law in Everett, WA.

There are many ways an experienced attorney can fight for the settlement that you deserve.

Call us now

To ask additional questions or to hire an experienced attorney who has deep connections with the local legal system.

(425) 259 4972

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We Deal with the Insurance Companies

We deal with the insurance companies for you.

We deal with the insurance companies

We can deal with the insurance companies and get them a settlement. If someone’s injured and they want help or representation getting compensated for their injury. 

Most of the cases we have are car accidents, pedestrians being hit by a car, we have a lot of dog bite cases, really any injury. It’s pretty overwhelming when someone gets in an accident. They have to deal with the medical, going to doctors and everything, getting better. 

They have to deal with the insurance companies. The insurance companies are always trying to talk to them, hound them, I guess.  And so it’s nice for us to kind of take that burden off of them. 

They can focus on getting better, healing, working through their injuries. Helping take the weight off of their shoulders and that’s kind of what we do. We get them a settlement and get them the money that they deserve from being injured.

I am Logan Merrill and I do Personal Injury Law at Merrill Law in Everett, WA.

Our Attorneys Deal With The Insurance Companies For You To Protect Your Rights.

We will:

  • Request all required documentation from the Court, Officers, Insurance Companies, Doctors.
  • Develop the best strategy for your injury case.
  • Address your case with the involved parties.
  • Notify you of any steps you need to do in the process.

There are many ways an experienced attorney can fight for the settlement that you deserve.

Call us now

To ask additional questions or to hire an experienced attorney who has deep connections with the local legal system.

(425) 259 4972

Click Here To Learn More About Personal Injury

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Stories With Santa

Stories With Santa

Santa reads some favorite stories to his little friend George. George is a young Poodle who visits Santa. He really likes to hear a story each night to help him settle in for bed.

Join us as we listen to these wonderful, familiar tales from the cozy fireplace in the North Pole.

The complete playlist is available here.

Stories with Santa “Jingle Bells”

Stories with Santa “Jolly Old Saint Nicholas”

Stories with Santa “Up on the Housetop”

For December 24th

Stories with Santa “T’was the Night Before Christmas”

T’was the Night Before Christmas

Christmas Wishes and Holiday Greetings

Each year we hope that you find Joy in the season, Wonder in the moments, Peace with people, and a Reason to celebrate.

Wishing you smiles, laughter, memories and joy when you celebrate your Christmas and Holiday Traditions.

Photos With Santa

Keep the magic alive this year celebrating your Christmas Traditions, including Cookies, Cakes, Stockings, Trees, Lights and so much more. An important tradition that many people miss doing is taking photos with Santa. We have a great plan to help those who wish to keep their distance and their traditions alive.

Santa’s Sleigh has arrived with a special delivery of his life sized Stand In. We invite you to stop by when your schedule and lighting allows you to take your own photos with Santa.

Bring a camera to record your special memories. The photo space is on our covered front porch. We will continue to add more lights and fun props as we get closer to the holiday.

Here you can learn more about taking Photos with Santa for this year.

Call us now

To ask additional questions or to hire an experienced attorney who has deep connections with the local legal system.

(425) 259 4972

Click Here to read more of our Local Community Series.

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Photos with Santa

Photos with Santa, a Christmas Tradition

Keep the magic alive this year celebrating your Christmas Traditions, including Cookies, Cakes, Stockings, Trees, Lights and so much more. An important tradition that many people miss doing is taking photos with Santa. We have a great plan to help those who wish to keep their distance and their traditions alive.

Santa’s Sleigh has arrived with a special delivery of his life sized Stand In. We invite you to stop by when your schedule and lighting allows you to take your own photos with Santa.

Bring a camera to record your special memories. The photo space is on our covered front porch. We will continue to add more lights and fun props as we get closer to the holiday.

Share The Photos with Santa Fun

If you choose to share your photo, please post them in the comments on the Facebook post or tag them #SantawithRickMerrill

Donations For Beck’s Place In Monroe.

We are accepting donations of dog and cat food and supplies, hygiene items, household cleaning supplies, sleeping and outdoor supplies, or clothing.  These donations are shared with those in our local community who are struggling. Beck’s Place helps people and pets in a special way year round.

Donations For The Food Bank

If you have non-perishable food to donate to the local food bank you can drop them off here. We will bring in all Donations left outside the next business day, and deliver them to the food bank for you.

Stories With Santa Is On YouTube

As a special treat Santa is reading stories for the kids to enjoy from his fireplace at the North Pole. Santa’s friend George enjoys hearing the stories.

Check back often to see what new stories have been added.

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PI Dog Bite Settlements

Dog Bite Settlements

Ever since we were kids, many of us can remember a dog that was a big part of our lives. It may have been a loved family pet, or maybe it was your best friend’s dog that you would play with when you went to their house after school. It seems that as the summer months wind down, you can’t take a walk around your neighborhood or go for a picnic in the park without seeing someone walking with their dog, hopefully on a leash, but that’s another blog. But even with all the good experiences with dogs we’ve had in our lives, all it takes is one bad experience to change your life.  

Anyone from young kids to the elderly can be victims of a dog bite and the unfortunate reality of this is that, in an instant, it changes your life forever.  The short-term physical effects may have the potential for high medical bills. We realize there is so much more that happens to you when you are a victim of a dog bite. You will never look at dogs the same way again. Being anxious and on edge every time you see a dog. Even seeing a cute playful puppy in the park can give you flashbacks. Living your normal life again can be next to impossible. 

Sometimes there’s nothing we can do to avoid falling victim, but there are certain things we can keep in mind that will help us if we ever get in this unfortunate situation. 

  1. Get the medical help you need. This seems obvious, but there can be so much going through our mind in this time of panic that we may not think our injuries are as bad as they are. The dog could be carrying a disease, especially if it is a dog you don’t know. The best thing to do is to go to the doctor immediately and get the medical help you need for your injuries. 
  2. Get the dog owner’s insurance information. Dog’s and dog bites are likely covered by the owner’s homeowner’s insurance and this is the information you want to get so that you can make a claim to get compensated for any damages that you might suffer, including medical bills, wage loss, pain and suffering, etc. If you can’t get their insurance information, get the owner’s contact information. Having a way to get in touch with the dog owner will save you lots of headaches down the road when it comes to making a claim for your injuries.  
  3. Call a local attorney. After getting treatment for your injuries, calling an attorney who has experience representing victims of dog bites is the most important thing you can do. Even if you’re unsure about what your next steps are, a short phone call with an experienced attorney can give you the guidance you need to move forward and get the legal representation you need. 

At Merrill Law, we will be by your side every step of the way. From getting your medical bills paid by the right people, to recovering and getting you the settlement you deserve. We know how stressful this process can be, but you don’t have to go through this alone. We will be there for you.

There are many ways an experienced attorney can fight for the settlement that you deserve.

Call us now

To ask additional questions or to hire an experienced attorney who has deep connections with the local legal system.

(425) 259 4972

Click Here To Learn More About Personal Injury

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