A Conversation About DUI

A Conversation About DUI

We are here to have a conversation about DUI. It is a Criminal charge that has multiple agencies involved in the process. Here are some of the important things to know.

DUI, DOL, Courts, What Does it all mean?

There are 2 parts to a DUI. Administrative Loss of License through the Department of License and Criminal charges through the courts. Each DUI will have various factors that need to be addressed to resolve the case.

DOL is the Department of License.

The administrative hearing is held to determine if your case will require an administrative loss of license. The request for this hearing must be filed with in 7 days. Talk with an attorney to determine if an administrative hearing is the best step for you.

Court Criminal Case.

Each DUI that is charged will work its way through the court to come to a resolution of the criminal charges.

The Time Lines.

The time lines vary for each case and the Entity who is bringing the charges. While it can be hard to wait, there is simply a lot of documentation and steps required to file and begin each case.

While quick and easy is nice in regards to stressful situations, we have found that DUI cases are intricate and involved to process correctly. We will work with you to come to a resolution for the case.

We know that this can be a life changing event but it isn’t the end of the world.  

There are many ways an experienced attorney can fight for you.

Call us now

To ask additional questions or to hire an experienced attorney who has deep connections with the local legal system.

(425) 259 4972

Click Here To Learn More About DUI.

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